Best FOSS keyboard

Cn anyone suggest the best FOSS keyboard

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Depends on your requirement.
I personally suggest Florisboard, Anysoft keyboard, Openboard.


Thankyou brother for every instant responses for my posts :blush: :heart_eyes:.Let me checkout those suggested keyboards…

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thanks bro…let me try this too

If I were starting fresh today, I’d use UK

but, since I’m used to it, I still primarily use the venerable HK, obsolescence & all


I am using Florisboard which is not up-to-date as the last update was on 17/6/2023 but the beta version is getting updates, Anyway I am searching for an alternative with some features like words prediction and supporting languages like arabic and ofcourse supporting emojies, The miserable thing is this keyboard iam using is consuming 1.5 GB of the storage and lacks spell check and words prediction!, Any good foss offline alternative?

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Anysoft Keyboard is good enough. It has various language extensions too and the space it eats is hardly anything.
I don’t really know if any os keyboard has predictions available.

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Rime supports arabic and prediction. You can use Rime in Trime and Fcitx5 for Android. It’s difficult to config though.

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I mostly use

It has a spellcheck feature, emojis, and an arabic layout. I don’t use those features so not sure how good they are. It definitely uses WAY less than the 1.5GB you mention.


Thanks Bro :blush:

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Links to what? They are in F-Droid.


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I work with Anysoft Keyboard.
I like, but miss to save/get the saved mailadress as suggestion / prediction.

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Even though I use ASK, I am not sure why it is not getting updated and why fixes are not coming through, especially for F-Droid…
But have been using ASK for 4-5 years now, if I am not wrong, maybe more.

Is there any way to save / get suggestion of msiladress . do you hand a hint?
Each time typing results in typos andvut is annoying

Yes, save them in your language list. Provide contacts access.

If your requirement is for coding related stuffs, use “Unexpected Keyboard” available on f-droid.


For those who like to continue development/updates to HK, please follow/comment

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