Audiobook and/or Ebook app recommendations

Any recommendations for apps and or services with which to download or stream audiobooks or a good reader for ebooks.

Happy to sign up and pay for the content, just wondering if anyone had recommendations on the app side of things.

Or for a Foss/privacy friendly service or provider.

Librera reader is pretty good, there might be something better, but librera is more than enough for me. It’s an ebook reader but it can download books from a few sources (like project gutenburg) unless you add more sources (never done this myself). It will read books you downloaded yourself though. It has other cool features like being able sync with google drive too.

I personally use Audio Anchor: AudioAnchor (Audio-Player, der den Hörverlauf bei Hörbüchern und Podcasts überwacht) - AudioAnchor | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository for Audio Books and Librera: Librera Reader (Lesegerät für E-Books in zahlreichen Formaten) - Librera Reader | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository for EBooks

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Thank you both for these recommendations.

Librera looks excellent!

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