Archive repository

Recently, my phone got broken and began reusing a previous android 6 and then I found several problems with f-droid.

Some apps are listed as not compatible with my android v6. However, I know that they were compatible before as I 've been using for ages (note that I’ve no security concerns as they are offline apps)

From “Settings, Repositories” i can’t see how to enable “archive” so, I try to add manually but QR and URL failed, even i tried to add izzy’s repo with no better luck.

From f-droid webpage i can’t find the old versions of apps.
Then I decide to install “F-droid Classic” and it has the old options to enable repositories, including “Archive” BUT it produces the “Error getting index file” error.

Fortunately from Izzy i was able to find the old apks from archive, and curiously the apk urls points to f-droid servers.

Most users would not continue after the 1st step, some will throw away the phone but other will not be f-droid users anymore.

Regarding the current lack of support for “archive”
is it caused by limits of hardware/bandwidth?
Just a issue/bug?

Read Running on old Android versions | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository (add the certificate)

Try the Archive repo: Dude, Where's My Archive? | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

@dapgo @Licaon_Kter

I am currently having the same issue as op, and I think it’s a different one than the certificate one.

I’m running old android 6 cyanogenmod 13 on an u65gt tablet.

In F-droid, in repositories, I only see F-Droid (and izzy but i added that myself of course). So I try to add the archive repo myself, but it does not work: It tells me to enable the archive in the repo list. But I can’t do that, It’s not in the list. I don’t think I deleted the repo manually! Would really love to find a solution. See pictures here:

EDIT: Missed it, here is the solution:

with the latest repository management design it was decided to treat Archive as an option that users can toggle on, instead of having a separate repo entry. This toggle is in the repo details, “in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.’“ , :slightly_smiling_face: oh, I mean under the mirror list.

does it? I think it says something else, it says “Tap the repository in the list and THEN enable the archive”

my post above has a link with the explanation :slight_smile:

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