App TorService Complemento de Orbot

Cómo se activa para que funcione como proxy

Find, download, install the orbot apk from your favorite source. Maybe the latest version is suggested, but it has new flaws too. Maybe Microsoft github is best Releases · guardianproject/orbot · GitHub , for this (hurts to write it)

Run Orbot app. Read instruction/setup. Choose options carefully. Full VPN or app by app selection.

Android settings, network & internet, advanced (or search VPN), VPN. See or select Orbot. Settings tap Always On, Block connections without VPN if you want it.

He’s talking about the app Tor Services (Alpha) included in the guardian repository.
The app is also confusing to me tho.

The latest version of TorServices has 7 known security vulnerabilities:
CVE-2021-34548, CVE-2021-34549, CVE-2021-34550, CVE-2021-38385, CVE-2021-22929, TROVE-2021-004, TROVE-2021-009

The latest Orbot available on GitHub is not vulnerable to those.

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Como aquí te ha dicho, TorServices está en un estado temprano de desarrollo y tiene varias vulnerabilidades.
Lo mejor es que sigas usando Orbot.

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Personalmente he instalado Orbot hay algunos días, pero no he logrado hacer lo funcionar con mis aplica. Parece que algunos red telefónicos pueden bloquear el acceso al red Tor (con el que Orbot te permite comunicar en caso que se puede acceder al red)

No me parece que @Luisafmclaudia ha dicho que ya utiliza Orbot, puede ser que no conocía Orbot

And the one in F-Droid? :thinking: :wink:

Always lags behind too far.

See Index of /releases instead for the latest ones :wink:

Usa un dns diferente al que tienes por ejemplo el DNS

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