App to test connection speed

I am looking for truly free, reliable app to test internet connection speed. Only ONE I’ve found on F-droid is LibreSpeed, but seems that developement stopped over 3 y.a. App is slow and shows untrue results.
Are there any apps like Fireprobe Speedtest or Ookla Speedtest - modern interface, fast, reliable, but without all those tracking, unnecessary permissions and my data sharing to dosens of other companies?
What do YOU use?

I just use a browser. Mull has extentions to stop trackers I think.

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This is the workaround for missing, good app, and an advice I’ve taken from Exodus Privacy, when I was investigating tracking issues. Bit less comfy as usable app with good interface, but hey, some things need sacrifice…
Will still be looking forward for an app, anyway thx for the reminder. Those speedtesting sites miss some functions or / and are bloated - I’m sure it is done on purpose - to make you use an app with tracking and data sharing functions… War is on… :confused: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Oh, actually you can use iperf with termux. Set up a server or a vps with iperf configured as a service, then run iperf in termux to test the bandwidth between the android device and your own server. No trackers and you have complete control.

I’m afraid that above idea isn’t possible for me.
But I’ve found LibreSpeed working on my newer device with Android 13, while it did not work on A10 up to A12. I wish the app would continue developement. The results are comparable to another software including test via browser: Wynik Speed Test -

You can always use the web based version. The results may vary only a bit, but they should be good to go.

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