App size difference

Both repos are supported officially by dev.

I find this app available in both fdroid and izzysoft but i find in izzysoft it is 10mb and in fdroid it is 26mb so i want to know what is the difference.

arm7 = 10MB
arm8= 10MB
arm7 + arm8 = 26MB

What should be the best option for downloading should i download smaller or larger.
I really don’t know a7 a8 anything can you help.

Addition must be <21mb

Depends on device.

Try arm64 first, if not working then you need armeabi-v7

There are 3 arches: armv8, armv7 and x86-64. Each of them has ~8M native lib.

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Should i install from fdroid or from izzy

This whole seems quite confusing. How we will understand which arches we should download?

You don’t need to, the Client will install the right one for your device.

If you go manually… that’s on you…

x86 is almost gone, surely you don’t have that.

Try arm64 first…

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No that is problem i saw fdroid apps are larger than playstore i find it contain both why not isolate both.

You can do that, of course, see VLC or Fennec/Mull or Telegram. But that excludes (for now) autoupdates, so one needs to manually come here and add a new version, since the tooling can’t cope with splitabi or multiple APKs.

I wish it is more like playstore.
As installing apps in a phone is limited space so having smaller apps i mean not having each and every binary for all type of architecture is not required if in future it is possible to just have exclusive version of apps. So we get a smaller build apk like original 10mb instead of 26

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