what options are there when uninstalling an app doesnt work with the builtin package manager?
it keeps crashing with error stoped working.
from fdroid i installed a game, idTech4A++ | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
i think this should be the package name? com.karin.idTech4Amm_11035.apk
so got the adb platform tools on the pc and ran uninstall -k com.karin.idTech4Amm_11035.apk
but that did nothing. now when i enter adb devices it cannot even start the daemon which worked before… usb debug is on with filetransfer
phone is rooted
tried the bloatware uninstaller app with su permissions but the game isnt listed there, how can i remove it?
i ran it with -k because the website i was looking at said this was the right way.
i dont know what the parameter actually does.
yes i can see the the app in the appsmenu and in the froidmenu.
when i press uninstall i get “package installer keeps stopping”
“app info / close app” are the only options, and info only open the package installer app permissions, doesnt give info about the crash.
That worked. I forgot to add adb shell first… and no idea where i get the _11035 from.
What was the cause for this problem i wonder? Why did the packagemanaer crash when trying to uninstall this app?
Could my lineageOS GSI be the cause or the app creator?
I didn’t have this issue with any other from the f-droid store so far.