Android FOSS WebSite

Hello everyone.
As in subject, here is a FOSS Android Apps list, indexed.

Hope this is useful

So takes F-Droid build APKs and then tracks users downloading them? :worried:


I’m not sure what do you mean

Which part?

Fossdroid takes its data from F-Droid and organizes the apps in an attractive Google Play-like arrangement, with the ability to view apps by what’s new / trending / most popular.

Where does this data come from?

1 Like

Oh, I see. Didn’t read this on their website

Upon further consideration, the design structures implemented by this website could prove very useful indeed. I for one heavily dislike F-Droid’s current web presence. For starters, the borders on the site are a bit thick if you ask me and the layout does not appeal to users due to its text-focused nature. The design choices employed by Fossdroid could and should inspire and influence F-Droid’s website positively.

Different strokes for different folks. I like text. It uses less bandwidth.

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