Amaze consultation


I had installed the amaze app (file manager) from the play store. I’ve checked the fdroid repositories and this app has been out of date for a long time because the source code is not accessible.

The play store keeps updating it and in the description it says that the app is open source. Are your developers lying?

Somebody surely is, but you’ve read this: and you know who, right?

Ideally it seems and has been like this for some months now, that Amaze has been pushing cloudrail in its f-droid builds too, which is suspicious in nature. The latest build failed back in November 2019 as well:
Sad stuff… :frowning:

For fairness they weren’t pushing, we were pulling it from a repo, believing it’s FOSS. Mistake corrected.

Oh. I do not understand, if you are pushing the name of your stuff as open source and or FOSS, and later trying to move out, state so fairly and clearly. Why make FOSS community hang? Right?

Thank you.

I’ve read that stuff, and they recommend Files.

Is that the best choice for amaze or do they recommend something else?

So you recommend using an alternative to amaze as material files? or some other recommendation?

Mixplorer. That too is open source.

Mixplorer. That too is open source. – this one? I can’t find any info about its license or the source code. Seems proprietary.
However, I think, I mixed it up with another app.

Material Files is definitely the file browser i recommend.

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