Add QR Code Scanner Within F-Droid App For Nearby Swap QR Code Scan

If you do not have a QR scanner app installed on your device, you are unable to scan the QR code from another device. Please add a simple basic QR Code scanner within the F-Droid client for scanning QR codes to link with other devices for nearby app swap.

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Why? If you have no QR scanner you can download F-droid from a web link.

download F-droid from a web link.

If you have internet

how will you use F-Droid without Internet?

The ‘Nearby’ F-Droid function utilises a qr code. I assume they’re talking about that by reading what they’ve written.


how will you use F-Droid without Internet?

By going to the Nearby tab in the F-Droid app and getting apps from another device over the local network

The ‘Nearby’ F-Droid function utilises a qr code. I assume they’re talking about that by reading what they’ve written.

Yes, this nearby feature in F-Droid


A basic QR scanner sounds easy to build, so I built it and it just coverts the QR into a string of digits(toast message)
don’t see how this will help,
if I was going to share apps I would send the apk file(google drive, gmail etc), in general its small, and its easy to install.

if I was going to share apps I would send the apk file(google drive, gmail etc), in general its small, and its easy to install.

The nearby feature in F-Droid is very useful when you do not have internet and you want to install an app from one of your devices onto another device

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