A Question on Office Applications

Why are the following Applications not included in F-Droid_Application_Store, though they are Free.
1: Collabora Office:

2: Open365(Very Old):

3: OnlyOFFICE:


Can you link to their open source source code repos please?

The source code of CollaboraOffice is here.

I couldn’t find the source code of the android app of ONLYOFFICE.

I sure would like a good open source office suite on Android that I can get on F-Droid which supports Microsoft files and libreoffice files.

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I searched the Gihub repo of OnlyOffice and it seems like where is no repository for the android app. Maybe it is not open source (although the desktop app is)?

Not sure if it’s worth focusing on OnlyOffice. Seems to be a bit of sham. Advertised as a free office suite for Android it’s apparently no fully equipped office software but rather a document viewer and cloud storage management tool.
From a response on a rating comment:

(Feature to create and edit local files currently isn’t yet available. The release of editors for local files will be coming soon.)

But what about Collabora?

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