Looking back I made a post about raising awareness but honeatly, this is nothing new at all. There was media coverage about it loud as Covid and Russia + Ukraine war at obe point when whistle blowers like Snowden, Manning, the journalist Assange and more. Nobody damn cared about it but us who have been online for years and saw it coming long before it seems. The average newer smartphone/tablet user’s just ignored it or could never believe it’s a big deal at all and our government loves us.
I know many wont agree with me but bringing up the US’s Net Neutrality “Government Law” believing it did any good for us was just a beg for them to take more privacy away and at the time it was in place, that’s exactly what happened. Every large ISP and many smaller ones had DPI setup but not for our good of delivering out equality but sniffing through our traffic, rendering encrypted DNS useless if they decided to sniff.
And broadband internet is still missing all over, which I don’t believe the bill even included anything about making ISP’s expand coverage but many claim it did. The internet capital of the world itself has gaps all over with no land based internet, it’s pathetic.
I’m for Net Neutrality, but not the kind that includes giving the very crooked FCC more power than government should have in businesses that ALL of our information goes through in the actual hope of them to do something to better us civilian’s lives by way of saving money and getting better Internet access is a fairy tale in my eye’s.
It’s not even Net Neutrality too me.
Since im not posting sources right now and typing in between jobs lol, so just assume then that’s what allowed them too easier collect personal information from an Information Service (Early 2000 Name change) by having more governing by the FCC. Also the famous government use their own words and vague term’s that changed Telecommunications Company into an Information/Broadband Service Company or w/e gave its own new set of regulations with the name, making it even easier to move in thre opposite direction of net neutrality.
And from all that’s been done to destroy our freedoms like privacy, we are now hoping that the government is yet again going to protect our children from sick pedophiles. But in order to do so they just need a quick peek into our entire devices which hold most peoples most personal data. Okay, its for the children now, were safe from middle eastern terrorists now. Pedophile’s and Domestic Terrorist’s are all thats left… Sorry, radicals delighting misinformation and fake news as well. Im nog sure if they are domestic terrorists or white supremacist’s, maybe they are Kremlin agents.
And ir will go on and on like this until it stops for good because there’s nothkng left thats only yours.
If you remember, the Internet is stupid and and e2e. It couldn’t be the disaster it is now if the same data sent from user a was the same data user b received. Just like a telephone call, being only 2 users and no one and nothing in the middle to alter your words or voice.
We gave it all away while it was being stolen and most didn’t care or realize it. Silly Siri’s…
This isnt a rant btw but i aee it is sonewhat of a longer post than most want to see today. Which is another thjng I don’t understand lol
Sorry for any typos or grammer mistakes, as said i had to type while traveling between jobs. And no im not driving.