Reality of FOSS projects...A conspiracy?

I mean, I am more concerned that it not be actively tracked by private companies.
If I’m being targeted and therefore tracked by backdoors or radio even with airplone mode, I’m probably a spy or something, in which case I wouldn’t be using an android phone without physical switches.
I still think faraday bag is pointless for common people if you have flashed a trusted ROM.

@anon46495926 BTW, I really want PinePhone to be a success.
Although I don’t like that they don’t have clear installation and compilation instructions.
On the page about operating systems, if we go to the Manjaro download, it leads to a precompiled binary installation script which doesn’t even support PinePhone. :man_shrugging:?
Apart from this, I hope that an automatic sandboxing system for applications and system processes will be developed, it seems that it does not exist. This would help make it more accessible to all audiences.

If I’m being targeted and therefore tracked by backdoors or radio even with airplone mode, I’m probably a spy or something,

Or maybe you’re just an ordinary person, who could become a spy or something at any time…

Manjaro on PinePhone

Pine phone wiki is hit or miss, and I dislike Pine64’s choice of Manjaro as a default OS.

Better to use Mobian, or maybe Postmarket, IMO, but there are many OS options available to test.

There are many issues. I wish more good developers would go to work on those.

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