RCS supported Message SMS/MMS app

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With close contacts I mostly use Signal, with some Conversations/XMPP and unfortunately with too many (groups) WhatsApp (no Contacts on phone access allowed). I also use Telegram for some channels/groups, but not with direct contacts.
To possibly have less messaging in WA I casually found and then was looking at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Communication_Services as an alternative, but it seems mobile-network providers in Europe are slow and only a subset (not even 50%) of all users may have the possibility to use RCS.
Additionally the App-Side seems to be dominated by Google which AFAIK seems to provide RCS to all Android users in the Messages by Google App by using their own “RCS-server-network”. So this sounds like going from one Big Tech Data corporation (WhatsApp/Meta) to another (Alphabet/Google).
See also discussions early 2021 in RCS supported Message SMS/MMS app
I would like to ask if possibly using a “non Big corporation” or better FOSS RCS App might become an option in the future, even without all mobile providers of the own contacts supporting RCS directly?
I also tried Matrix, but it is more complicated then Signal and so I would give up convincing more contacts to use an additional messaging app. And for (bigger) groups you almost need 100% user base having the App to even have the chance to use it - only WhatsApp seems in that territory currently.

Someone has apparently created an open source RCS client library. Sadly, it does not really come with any sort of documentation at all. I have no idea whether or not it would be useful for connecting to Jibe’s servers.