Open Collective - donation delayed

Im a bit unhappy with the contribution option via open collective.
From monday january 22 till now my contribution is still pending, despite the “instant transfer” option, a transfer within seconds.
Do they need more time to book my contribution to F-Droid?

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Which one, USD or Euro?

Famous colorized european paper snippets aka EUR or EURO.

Wait, open collective is located in the US, that makes it maybe a bit more complicated?

US or not, that should not be an issue :person_shrugging:

then IBAN Direct Bank Transfer maybe causes a delay?
I’m just looking for a reason.

Did you try to contact OpenCollective directly?

No, not yet, i don’t want to push them unnecessarily.
I wait till friday…


Status today February 5, 2024

I made a contribution to F-Droid via Open Collective on January 22, 2024 in EURO by immediately bank transfer. Means the money is booked in seconds on the bank account of Open Collective.

On Thursday 1, 2024 i send a message to Open Collective via there website.
My contribution is still pending and i got no reaction from them.

Regards, Henry

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Status today Monday 12, 2024

Since my contribution to F-Droid via Open Collective on January 22, 2024
in EURO by immediately bank transfer, the status is still pending.

I contacted the Open Collective team twice, without any reaction.

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Thanks for keeping an eye on it

Status today February 22, 2024

On January 22, 2024 i made a contributen to F-Droid via Open Collective in EURO
by immediately bank transfer (transferred in seconds).

  • Since then the status is still pending
  • They did not transferred the money back to my account
  • They not replied to my 3 request of information about this subject
  • My money is possibly lost in space

My personally conclusion: I do not contribute via Open Collective anymore

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We’re sorry to hear that the experience was not great.

Thanks for trying :person_shrugging:

@urpasin Sorry for your inconvenience and thanks for getting back to us here to.

Here’s what I know about this: We’ve got an open support ticket with OSC (our fiscal host in Europe). It was opened on Fri, 02 Feb 2024 08:33:34. I’ve forwarded the entire support thread to you via E-Mail on 20.2.2024 16:03. The forwarded E-Mail also includes an inquiry from OSC to you to give them your full name and the last 4 digits of your IBAN, so that they can do further investigations with their banks / payment providers.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience. Please keep us posted. If OSC doesn’t resolve this issue, we might need to look into getting a more reliable donations service. :unamused:

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Thanks for your reply.

Due to your message today i have found your mail from february 20, 2024 in the spam filter.
I will reply to this today with the requested information’s.
Thanks again for your effort to solve this problem.


Hello uniqx,

On 22 of february i received a message from Open Collective with the request of additional information about my bank transfer to them.
Same day i give them that information.

Original message dated february 20 from Open Collective and was stuck in my spam filter.

Whats happened since february 22?
My contribution to F-Droid is still “Pending”.
Did they really check there Belgium bank account they give me for the contribution?

This contribution was a test, i wanted to know of this way of contribution will work properly, therefore i contributed just 20 EUR. Thus, i will survive that lost of money.

OTOH, i have to find a way to contribute to F-Droid.

And a advise to all, check your contributions via Open Collective!!!

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Whats happened in the meantime:

today i received a mail from Open Collective dated march 01, 2024.
This message was stuck in my mailbox, and thus answered today.

They still can’t find my payment, despite i gave them the requested data as full name and last 4 numbers of my bank account already on february 22, 2024.

Today i send a proof of payment, a screenshot from my bank account partly blanked.
But they can see my full name, last 4 numbers of bank account, there bank account etc.

You can’t say that is it hassle free to contribute via Open Collective.


Just a few minutes i received a message from Open Collective, which i cite partly here:

I am sorry for the delay.
Thank you for sharing the proof of payment.
I uploaded the contribution on F-Droid’s balance and you can find it here.

Lets let me make one thing very clear:

I dont care about named as contributor, but i care about that any amount of money go to the right place.

F-Droid deserve it, they do a really really great job, they deserve more and they will get more from me.

A lot of trouble for a small amount of money…

Thanks to everybody involved…


No, thank you for pursuing this :slight_smile: :+1:


The 2n contribution was in orde, tranferred to Open Collective april 22, confirmed on may 2.
Thats a reasonable period of time for a bank transfer in Euro via Open Collective.
It seems to be ok for now on…
Regards Henry

No reply needed :wink:


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