Mysplash uses Bugly, needs tracking antifeature

Basically, fdroid is a collaborative project : no gitlab additional reviewers => no new additional features/controls.

… bring your voice to gitlab,

was (positively) surprised by low amount of fdroid apps with trackers. It will be great if fdroid (experts) community could identify all true open source trackers in Exodus database, so this information could reach ExodusPrivacy end-users (?)

why ?

it will seriously help for scan and signature’s reliability, if we know that a tracker is open source or not (especially also because opensource can be paste & obfuscated/scrambled in apk code)

as example of possible biased integration: new Facebook debugging tool Flipper is (MIT) open source GitHub - facebook/flipper: A desktop debugging platform for mobile developers. .

This is also why, imho, fdroid should discourage use of obfuscation :

btw @dosse91, imho, your FairEmail thread should be softened/edited, especially considering M66B’s thoughtfulness and skill…