Is the build server down?

Hello, I pushed an update of my app some days ago, but it is not available on F-Droid yet.

Checking the Recent Build Activity, I can’t see any update since February 4th.

I am not sure if this is related to the recent fdroidserver 2.0 release or if the website pages changed.

Thanks in advance for your hints!

There is an outage, it is probably due to upgrades and might also be related to this issue:

Thanks @hans .
Any plan for the restart of the build? Or, is there a Gitlab issue tracking this?

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I’m also very interested in tracking this problem. In my case, and while the existence of new versions is being picked up by checkupdates, these versions are not being built since Jan. 9, as seen by fdroidbot. Any hints to solve it would be very much appreciated

Its been running again for a couple of days.

It may work, but I still don’t see the LibreTorrent (3.0) update that I published over a week ago. Also a couple of days ago 3.0.1 was published. It seems to me that it will never be build :slight_smile:

Apps updated/merged few days ago are already available (like K-9 Mail) but apps from previous build, merged a week ago, are not available (like my app I actually watched successfully built on wiki).

@hans my app is not being built either since the build server restarted. Do you have any hint how to trigger its build?

After a while, my app was compiled. Probably worth the wait.

It looks like my app was built on Feb. 15, but a problem was found. I released a new update straight away, which was quickly picked up by fdroidbot. Yet, the app is not being built again. As @igor-cali asked, are there any hints on how build can be triggered?

@apozas My app has just been built after a further metadata update.
Now, the previously pending and the latest and greatest version were built at the same time.

I am not sure if this was driven by the further update, or if it the build was eventually queued.

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Have updated the Stoic Reading app several weeks ago and it appears in f-droids build metadata but the app isn’t appearing on f-droid, what’s the issue? Stoic Reading | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

The build server is slowly catching up. See the progress at running - F-Droid Monitor

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Thank you @igor-cali for the tip. I made a trivial update to the metadata file, let’s hope it works.

Also, thank you @relan for the information. I am however not sure that the problem is a delay in the the build server catching up. The fdroiddata version that is being used for building is (significantly) more recent than the last update of my app, so this shouldn’t be a problem?

Well, it looks like the app finally built. Thanks for all the help.

There are still some builds pending. We doubled the overall build timeout (commit), so if such build server outage happens again, it’ll catch up faster.

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