Google Play Store tries to update my F-Droid apps :-(

That’s interesting, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
I will investigate and see if there is a pattern, like the apps the Play Store wants to update having been installed before the F-Droid client set the “installed by” app property. Is this something new with Android 11? I only have devices running Android 8 and 10 …

Yeah, eg. at one point my AOSP11 did not have this while others Lineage had, I said above how you can check. If it’s there ok. If not… dunno… are your devices supported by Divest OS? /half-joking

That seems to be a yes. On my device (Android 12). Element is installed from F-Droid, the app details show installed by F-Droid. Signature is of course different.

PlayStore tried to update this app and failed. Yesterday I also updated the app from F-Droid. To make this more stupid now the play store lists this under “recently updated” with the date and time of when I did the update in F-Droid last night.

Probably this is indeed related to the API changes and Google intentionally did this, even though it does not seem to make much sense. I also reported this to Google.

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Well there is Notally as I mentioned earlier, version 5.6 installed from Package installer.

Phone is a Kingkong mini pro 2 running Android 11. I vaguely recall it upgraded to Android 12 on first start up though I am not certain about that point.

Update to F-Droid Client 1.19.0-alpha3, install a new random app, look at it’s properties…

Alright, it looks like the LineageOS 17.1 (Android 10) on my F(x)tec Pro1 does show store information.

Of the apps the Play Store wants to update (despite a signature key mismatch), some have no store information at all, and some say “App installed from Package installer”.
I reinstalled one of the apps without store information with the F-Droid client. It does show “App installed from Package installer” now, but the Play Store still wants to upgrade it.

I noticed that apps installed from the IzzyOnDroid app show “App installed from IzzyOnDroid”. Don’t know if that makes a difference to “App installed from Package installer”. I will try to find an app that is on IzzyOnDroid and on the Play Store … although I doubt that I will find one :laughing:

you will find plenty…

/PS: Divest has Android 13 for your F(x)tec Pro1, just a FYI. :slight_smile: Then again, no Play store, hence no issue lol

How? Equally important is how do I get back to the standard version?

I know :slightly_smiling_face:
There’s LineageOS 20 too. Unfortunately, upgrading my phone would be a danger to my health. The Pro1 is not fun to work with and not having TWRP (because F(x)tec messed up) makes major changes scary.

In F-Droid … find the F-Droid app :slight_smile: expand Versions → update

To get back… no one ever wants to go back, I mean just look at the new Add repo workflow :wink:

Note that the “above” info you linked to is not really related to the 1.19 changes, I checked the source and setRequestUpdateOwnership is not yet used by F-Droid.

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You are right. And the IzzyOnDroid web page is very good with its indicator icons.
I found several apps that are on F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid, and the Play Store. For some reason, even installing old versions from F-Droid will not trigger a Play Store update. The apps I tried are DAVx⁵, Amaze File Manager, GreenStash, and NOVA Video Player.

There must be something else happening with the apps the Play Store wants to update. The apps in question are Chess (by Jeroen Carolus), Frozen Bubble, Hunky Punk, Mindustry, Simple SMS Messenger, and Sokoban (by Fredrik Fornwall).

If I find out what’s different with these apps, I’ll report back …

I don’t know what that means.

I assume the new version is not fully tested or reliable, otherwise it would be released as an ordinary update, hence I want the option of changing back to the current version. Sorry for my caution, but I have little idea what I am doing and don’t want to screw up my phone.

As always it needs more testing :slight_smile: and you can do it too since (except added repos) there’s nothing to lose :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Been using it for months, no issues

But how do I get back to the curent version if I choose to? I am not changing without a way back.

This is Android, you need to uninstall and reinstall.

At last an answer to my question, thank you. Sorry to appear obtuse but I am new to smart phones and new to Android. I would still be using my 25 year old fold up Nokia if the network had not been turned off last year.

I’ll try the new F-droid version and report back.

Keep in mind that you’ll lose your settings (and repositories, and apks still stored) if you’ll uninstall the app to go back to the previous version.

But it’s really very unlikely that you’ll need or want to.

And there are few settings in any case (repositories will be more inconvenient to add back if you had a lot); and there’s hardly any reason to keep any apk.

By the way F-Droid has (and has always had) bugs that make it use a lot of storage as time goes by, and the only way to recover it is to clear all the app’s data or reinstall it; so most people do that regularly, it’s not a huge deal.

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If I clear the F-Droid data, will it still “know” which apps it has installed - ie. in Settings → Manage installed apps ?


OK I’ve done that and installed Podverse from F-droid a few days ago. So far there has been no prompting from Play Store to update it, but today I noticed the Podverse versions are the same on both Play Store and F-droid. Evidently I need to find an application that has different versions on the two stores. Given the number of apps available that could take an awful long time.