Why download link in main page distribute the old version of F-Droid?

I’m talking about download button in these URL. It is v0.102:

Updating the main page is a manual process, so most likely Ciaran
just hasnt got around it. Btw, current recommended version is still
0.102.3 (not 0.103.x), so we are only minor releases off. But having
to update after a download is indeed an unwanted behavior…

Thanks for the answer, krt. :blush:

Getting update after a download is fine. Problem is I can’t update from 0.102 to 0.103.(not sure if it is only me). Anyway, I just install the 0.103 apk file and enjoy. :grin:

Problem is I can’t update from 0.102 to 0.103.

You should be able to update either by enabling unstable updates from
the preferences, by downloading .103 from the website or by selecting
it from the version list manually. As I said, it is currently not
marked as the “recommended” version.

Got it :slight_smile: