
Here’s what Windows defender said when loading one of the applications
Описание угрозы Trojan:AndroidOS/Qicsomos.A threat - Microsoft Security Intelligence

What application is it?

Voodoo CarrierIQ Detector | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

Just read the app description that explains:

Some malware scanners are falsely reporting this as the AndroidOS/Qicsomos.A
trojan. That trojan requires the android.permission.SEND_SMS permission, this
app does not, so it cannot send SMS messages.

However, I wouldn’t trust it too much to use an app that hasn’t received an update in 9 years to analyze a device’s firmware.

Maybe it should be moved to the f-droid archive repository.

The app still works, is the threat not possible anymore?

Who knows, given that there is not even the source code there. I have decided not to install it yet. Perhaps later, when I reinstall the entire system and use it.

The Github link works just fine.

The no “source code” tag is for version 2.0.5, F-Droid ships 2.0.4.

Admittedly: A bit confusing, but the source code for the current build is still available.

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