Screenshots / description not used by new fdroid


I put screenshots and description in /src/main/play as described here GitHub - Triple-T/gradle-play-publisher: GPP is Android's unofficial release automation Gradle Plugin. It can do anything from building, uploading, and then promoting your App Bundle or APK to publishing app listings and other metadata.
You can see the file structure here:
As Nextcloud dev got updated yesterday I assumed to see the german translation in fdroid-app and one image.

What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for the great effort on FOSS!

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fdroidserver doesn’t yet have a gradle file parser, so fdroidserver can’t read the gradle configuration. So for including translations, fdroidserver currently just looks at the default location app/src/main/play. I don’t think we can currently support scanning the filesytem for those files, since it has to do it for thousands of apps, and fdroid update is already taking a while to run these days. Running gradle to get this info is out of the question since gradle is so ridiculously slow.

We’d love to have a gradle file parser in Python, so that fdroidserver can actually read the configuration. Then it would find the Triple-T files wherever they are configured.

My question had nothing to do with gradle. I just tried to use the same directory structure as the one which is generated by gradle-play-publisher. But this did not worked, so I switched from

Here it was mentioned that one can create the directory structure by hand, which is apparently working with fastlane structure, but not with gradle-play.

fastlane/metadata/android should work once it is in a tagged release of Nextcloud. There are a few apps using that layout, like OpenKeychain. Plus fastlane has the nice feature of automatically generating screenshots per locale, if you want to setup fastlane itself.