Offline Navigation App and Reddit App

Hallo guys,

do you recommend any offline navigation app and an app to use reddit?


The best offline navigation app on F-Droid is OsmAnd.
OsmAnd packs all the features that you expect from an offline navigation and even allows you to update the map every 15 minutes if you want. Most offline navigation apps have maps that can be a month out of date.

The best Reddit app on F-Droid is Slide.
Slide is a native Android app (not just Reddit’s mobile website wrapped in an “App”) that provides full access to Reddit AFAIK. Slide allows you to browse Reddit without an account or logged in and is very pretty and easy to use.

Ich frage mich:
I ask me:

Warum benötigt eine “offline navigation app” die Berechtigung “voller Netzwerkzugriff” ??
Why needs a “offline navigation app” eligibility to “full network access” ??


Osmand uses network access to:

  • Download maps for offline use
  • Online search (if you enable it)
  • Online navigation (if you enable it)
  • Online vector map tiles (once again, only if you want them)
  • View photos from Mappilary (only if enabled)
  • Allow the user to upload edits to to help improve the map

Each of these things is optional. You CAN sideload maps onto your device. Yet these features are all quite helpful in the real world.

I am providing a German translation from Google Translate because it looks like your native language is German.

Osmand verwendet den Netzwerkzugriff fĂĽr:
* Laden Sie Karten zur Offline-Nutzung herunter
* Online-Suche (wenn Sie es aktivieren)
* Online-Navigation (wenn Sie es aktivieren)
* Online Vektor Kartenkacheln (noch einmal, nur wenn Sie sie wollen)
* Fotos von Mapparily anzeigen (nur wenn aktiviert)
* Erlaube dem Benutzer, Ă„nderungen an hochzuladen, um die Karte zu verbessern

Jedes dieser Dinge ist optional. Sie können Karten auf Ihr Gerät laden. Dennoch sind diese Funktionen in der realen Welt sehr hilfreich.

Ich biete eine deutsche Ăśbersetzung von Google Translate an, da es so aussieht, als ob Ihre Muttersprache Deutsch ist.

I’m using RedReader for Reddit now (works pretty fine) and I will try OsmAnd for navigation.


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:grin: You are very polite!

I missed this important informations in the description of the app.
Thank you for this information. :fu:


You’re welcome! I’m glad to help!
Bitte! Ich bin froh, dass ich helfen kann!

Turns out I actually use RedReader. :wink: . I just don’t think its as pretty as Slide. I use RedReader because it supports proxy servers which I sometimes have to utilize.

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