How to control F-Droid through account permissions to allow different users to download different APKs?

How to control F-Droid through account permissions to allow different users to download different APKs?

all users can download whatever they want

can you be more specific? Give an example/use case

Certainly! The same repository can display different APKs to different users. For example, User X can see APKs A, B, and C, while User Y can access APKs B, C, and D.

F-Droid controls only the repository.

Users are free to setup their own repositories or add others that they wish.

There is no such in client selector to hide apps in repos.

(but you have an anti-features selector in Settings)

So it is not possible to control different users through permissions to see different APKs, is my understanding correct?

Nope, no such limitation

You can use other device controls, to limit users access to app installing (eg. hide F-Droid)

I’d like to ask how to implement this idea. Thanks .

Hide F-Droid? Depends on the age of the user :slight_smile: they might figure it out eventually

KISS launcher can exclude apps

Calyx and Divest ROMs can “Hide”


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