F-droid setup ubuntu failing , someone could help?

Hello , i am trying create my own repo , but i am finding some problems during installations.

my ubuntu is : 16.04

i have followed this link : Setup an F-Droid App Repo | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

but , i am using apache instead of nginx ( i dont like use nginx xD ) ,

i have create a folder called : fdroid at : /var/www/fdroid and inserted my apk’s on : /var/www/fdroid/repo/

this is how looks my default config apache :

its normal ?

so , i have installed the f-droid apk on my smartphone and when i insert the repository : , i receive the message : Repository was not signed correctly

someone could help me ?

I have find the solution , just update the fdroidserver to version 0.9.1