F-Droid outdated, no download for some packages

For a while I recognized no update for F-Droid (actually 1.4 here) or software, that has been installed from F-Droid repo.
Furthermore trying to install Audio Recorder, an outdated version is searched and not found, e.g. no install.

How can I update F-Droid without loosing the packages, installed from this repo?
Thank you, Michael

Please update to 1.7.1 and retry, a pull to refresh (or toggle the repo off, wait a bit, then toggle ON) should update the index.

If not, get the latest APK directly: F-Droid | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

They don’t go anywhere :wink:

Yes, if your index is old, it has packages that went to the Archive already.

Thank you Licaon_Kter

Please update to 1.7.1 and retry, a pull to refresh (or toggle the
repo off, wait a bit, then toggle ON) should update the index.

For whatever reason, after a while that worked, had tried earlier
without success.
Anyway, everything OK right now.
Thanks a lot for aour work and the excellent repo!

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