DivestOS: long term device support with enhanced privacy and security

Thanks for prompt reply! For the record, I’ve actually tried USB 2.0 hub as I saw that in the Notes and it made no difference. (I was using the root also)

The issue kind of self-resolved on its own. Previously when I did fastboot update .. it rebooted the phone when done. However the system fails to boot as the factory reset was not done yet. (this is the step 12 I didn’t get to) However as I tried to troubleshoot this, I at some stage tried to do factory reset.

So when I did step 9 again to try and follow your advice I left the phone updating, didn’t notice it rebooted and found it already booted to DOS. :smile:

Now there’s update downloading. (900-ish MB) If I understand you correctly, I should just let it apply and I should end up with the same system I would end up if I did adb sideload. Is that correct? Can I eventually attempt to re-lock the device?


After that update installs, please try the sideload again to flash the other slot as well. Then you can lock.

This is probably a stupid question, but do I have to sideload from recovery? Or can it be done via USB debugging?

@mprasil sideload only works in recovery

the adb/developer options in Settings app have zero control over the recovery

So update. I was wrong. In the end it was cable. :man_facepalming: I swear I tried multiple cables. But in the end the fact that fastboot worked, misled me thinking USB is probably not the problem.

Eventually I just tried the dodgiest cable I have here. I wouldn’t trust it with charging, much less so with data. But it worked flawlessly. Including ADB.

Now I’m curious how is it even possible that fastboot worked? I always assumed that it’s the same connection. But I guess it can be internally connected to different interface?

Anyways apologies for wasting your time over a broken cable. Sent some donation your way as an apology.

no worries, I’ve seen that happen a few times, I’ll add a note on the website for it
and thank you for the donation

edit: Bootloader - DivestOS Mobile

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I Installed build and works great. Tried to lock bootloader with no success. Received error.
I followed installation process exactly.

I installed DivestOS last year and was able to lock bootloader then

Thanks for your work.

You need to sideload it twice.

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Sideload the rom twice (for both partitions)?

Just run the sideload command from the install guide twice: https://divestos.org/builds/LineageOS/raven/install.html

The first fastboot command flashes the current slot, the reboot to recovery to sideload flashes the alternate slot. But that potentially leaves the original slot with mismatched firmware, so sideload again is required to lock.

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I understand now. Thank you mate.

Hi, @SkewedZeppelin . I hope you are having a good day. It’s been a few days since I joined the XMPP servers (all 3 of them) but it won’t let me chat. It says “You are not participating” and tells me to ask for write access, which is why I’m here.

Hello, and thank you for this beautiful ROM.
I want to report, that Pixel 5 (redfin) relocking works fine. I’ve updated several times having bootloader relocked and did not experience any issues.
I’m using DivestOS as daily driver now for some months, and I’m happy with it! :slight_smile:


(reposting as I posted this in wrong thread)

@SkewedZeppelin The alarm clock sound might have been broken in the last build, for alioth. It used to be hassium, which is still set correctly in sounds, but when it goes off it sounds like a buzzer.

Hi, I’m writing again. I’m truly sorry if I’m being rude, it’s just that I don’t know what I’m supposed to do to be able to chat in divestos/ed xmpp servers. Could someone please help me? I used to have an xmpp account in the DivestOS xmpp servers but 404.city must’ve deleted my account due to inactivity as I can’t seem to log into it anymore. This led me to create a new account using a different provider, though I can’t talk in chat for some reason.

My nickname is rtihha.

@pohicb Yes, I thought your name was familiar, I can approve you next time you join.

Hi there, first off, many thanks for this project, been using it for 2 months now, and i’ve never experienced a battery life off over 5 days with my phone. With Divest Os, its reality. Only this proves to me how well it is designed (how few things it is doing in the background). Again, much wow! thanks a lot.

I was using lineage os before and i was on their chat one day, with Luk and phh, and we were talking about what is the best condition for the smartphone battery to have the longest life, as i just replaced mine. We concluded that a battery should stay in between 30%-80% for having the longest life. this because it puts the least stress on the cells (not to go below 30 or above 80).

Luk implemented a charge function in the next lineage os update (somewhere end LOS20 updates before they went to 21 i believe, could be later), that would make the phone stop charging automatically when reaching 80% (this percentage could be user defined in between 50-100% in battery settings). I’ve not seen this on Divest Os, could this possibly be a feature to include in one of the next updates (not sure if this is a complicated process) ? Although i enjoy Divest Os a lot more then LOS so far, this charge function is kinda something i really enjoyed having.

Anyway no rush, thanks for your time and effort on this, i’m just loving to be able to have an alternative to big tech that makes me feel more comfortable using my device. And i’m sure many many other people are as thankful because of this option we have thanks to you and other people like you. You’re a legend man!

Healthy Battery Charging | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository ?

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DivestOS has that LineageOS feature but it is disabled because it has a possibility that can cause some devices to stop charging permanently.


How can I help with Vayu and v 20.0? I mean I have a Poco X3 Pro as a secondary phone, I can use it to install and test or debug to find the cause of the WiFi and other issues not working, how can I do it? I saw a 20.0 build in the website what says “broken” in red.