Diary name change on web site

Hi. The name of my Diary app - org.billthefamer.diary has changed to Diari on the repository web site. I have checked the manifest and the name hasn’t changed there.

Weird… F-Droid is probably using this translation for some reason: https://github.com/billthefarmer/diary/blob/aa16d337dc5dab7386dd94fc296ca1fe96de6088/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml#L23

But I’ve no idea why. :-/

Even weirder F-Droid dosn’t have a Catalan translation. But it does have a German one so it might be from there.

I think this is related to Some apps end up named in arabic (#480) · Issues · F-Droid / fdroidserver · GitLab and consequently blocked by f-droid.org buildserver needs androguard (#65) · Issues · F-Droid / admin · GitLab

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