Custom repository priority F-Droid client

I was looking at the Whitelabel Builds docs and it mentions that you can include custom default repositories by adding app/src/mycompany/res/values/default_repos.xml.

I got this working :+1: but the priority value is not clear to me.
How will F-Droid handle the same package id in multiple repositories?
Will repository with priority 1 get picked over repository priority 2? And are app version code also being compared or only package id.

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Can anyone explain to me how the logic app apk listing is done with multiple repos?
Thank you

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Higher priority (= added later = lower in the list of repos) takes priority. Every repo recommends a target version, the one from the highest repository will be automatically installed.

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Higher priority (= added later = lower in the list of repos)

Wouldn’t this be opposite behaviour compared to how Android does the language list in Settings? Android selected languages: 1st on the list has highest priority.

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