Confirm proper order of steps to add Fastlane metadata to an existing app that has AutoUpdateMode enabled

Currently the SolitaireCG app version 3.4 is published without fastlane metadata on F-Droid. It has AutoUpdateMode enabled.

Is the following set of steps the proper order to add Fastlane metadata?

  1. Push git commit of new SolitaireCG that includes Fastlane metadata.
  2. Push git tag of new release (e.g., SolitaireCG-3.4.1)
  3. Create a Merge Request that removes the “Description” field from fdroiddata/metadata/net.sourceforge.solitaire_cg.yml

My concern is that with AutoUpdateMode enabled, it will create a 3.4.1 version using the old description, and hence misses the new Fastlane metadata.

Advice on the proper order of steps would be appreciated.

Curtis Gedak

Sounds good yes

Thank you for reviewing and confirming the proposed steps. I will try using these soon.

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