AfWall+ NonFreeAdd anti-feature

Curious why AfWall+ (build metadata) is tagged with NonFreeAdd anti-feature when apps like (not to single out but…) NetGuard and FairEmail (which require payments to unlock advance features) aren’t?

Free in this context isn’t about money but about sourcecode. Netguard and FairEmail are completely open source, but the “donate” addon for AfWall+ is still closed.


Please drop me an mail to (contact @ ) after your donation to get the unlocker APK (closed source for now)


This is 100% wrong. Afwall is open source. It is just a matter of configuration. By default, a regular build is enabled. By moving ‘//’ from one line of code to another, one can enable donate version, and it builds with all donate features enabled.

I am sure it can state unlock in the build gradle due to that, but does it actually unlock any feature (if there is any to)?

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